The effects of the Aug. 4 >Beirut explosion is still felt to this day, 17 days and hundreds of funerals later. 

The boisterous capital of Lebanon has been flattened both structurally and mentally, rendering around 300,000 individuals homeless while 7,000 still treat their injuries. 

At this year's >STEP Conference, the annual event that combines all the recent updates in the tech and startup sphere - launching their first full-fledged online conference "STEP Anywhere" this month - you're highly encouraged to donate to the citizens of Beirut through trusted initiatives and NGOs. Ticket holders will be able to access the virtual booth on the event platform to browse the many available organizations.

Here are a few that are leaving an impact on the lives affected by the blast and which you can fund throughout Aug. 24 to 26 while attending STEP Anywhere. 

1. Impact Lebanon

As a social incubator for Lebanese citizens around the world, Impact Lebanon aims to enable the Lebanese community to mobilize effectively. "Share knowledge, resources and expertise and make activism accessible, impactful and sustainable."

The team has been receiving funds from across the globe and still needs everyone's help to properly distribute the aids to the most adequate NGOs that will be reaching those affected by the explosion. 

Donate now or while participating at the conference. 

2. Save the Children

For over 100 years, Save the Children has been focusing on disadvantaged  kids who are dying from preventable causes, face poverty, violence, disease, and hunger.

"Save the Children field workers report that entire streets have been wiped out by the explosion and many children are missing or looking for their parents. The explosion couldn't have happened at a worse time, as the country is already facing increasing likelihood of severe food insecurity, rising unemployment, increased rates of poverty, and more."

This is when the organization strikes, coming in to offer all the necessary including psychological support to children who were affected by the disaster. 

Donate now or while participating at the conference. 

3. Preemptive Love

Over the past two weeks, Preemptive Love has been distributing daily meals as well as raising funds to help the over 80,000 families that have lost their homes. 

In addition to all the hot food and clean water, the organization that prides itself with "unmaking violence" is providing jobs to tens of people in the country. 

Donate now or while participating at the conference. 

4. Beit El Baraka

The Lebanese NGO has a straightforward mission, "ensure a sense of dignity to hard-working citizens once they retire, by assisting them in their struggle with the increasing cost of living."

After the Beirut explosion, Beit El Baraka has been helping many families in the capital rebuild their house to get back to safety.  

Donate now or while participating at the conference. 

5. FoodBlessed

Food is important yet unavailable to many unfortunate people in Lebanon. Aside from offering ready-made meals on the daily after the Beirut blast, FoodBlessed has also been providing Food Assistance Packages that contain non-perishables to those in need. 

Donate now or while participating at the conference. 

6. Live Love Beirut

As an organization, Live Love works towards a sustainable future in Lebanon. Since 2012, they have successfully recycled 20.5 tons of garbage with the help of their over 15,000 volunteers. 

After the explosion, they have been collecting funds that will be distributed to specific NGOs to help rebuild damaged buildings. 

Donate now or while participating at the conference. 

7. Lebanese Red Cross

So much can be said about the Red Cross and their tremendous work. On Aug. 4, paramedics were the first to arrive at the scene (knowing the scene was widespread) and are still the ones you can see all around the city today. 

All our gratitude goes to the Lebanese Red Cross. 

Donate now or while participating at the conference. 

*Disclaimer: Step Conference is a brand owned by STEP Group, the parent company of StepFeed.