For many, staying at home without the need to commute to work or school was an unattainable dream. Students and employees alike have at least once fantasized of the day the planet would just stop functioning for a couple of days so that they could catch a break. All of sudden, the world woke up to a virus spreading fast and wide, one that soon enough brought all countries to a halt.
With imposed quarantines taking place, staying at home remains the best option to avoid infecting others and getting infected. But to remain indoors without the irritation to go out, alternatives to the usual outdoor entertainment activities had to be created.
Enter Anghami and the transporting world of music.
The music streaming platform is offering people fun and new experiences on the daily, with artists performing live, playlists customized based on listeners' taste, and an extra hand-washing routine that's literally *extra*.
1. Live concerts... from the comfort of your couch
It's right, the majority of people have to remain at home but it doesn't mean they're prisoners with no funky ways to have fun and enjoy their time.
Every evening at 7 p.m. Beirut Time, music streaming platform Anghami will allow users to tune in to its Instagram page to watch an artist perform live.
Live concerts and performances for free? Yes, please.
From couch to bed to kitchen, entertainment is limitless and not bound to a location. Users will be able to engage with artists as well as request songs and meet other people who are watching the live content.
#AnghamiHomeSessions for the win!
2. 'When at Home' playlists for all moods

The platform has created a "When at Home" section so users have a range of content they can access during these times at home.
These include:
- Playlists
- Working from home music
- Staying relaxed music
- Working out music
- Gaming music
- Podcasts to help people stay productive
Anghami allows users to be more social, so within this section, social features like AI-enabled mixtapes between friends will be brought forward.
3. Bored of washing your hands?
Washing our hands frequently and properly proved much more effective than wearing a mask.
For those already bored of this hygienic routine, Anghami took advantage of its lyrics database by allowing users to generate a "hand-washing poster" based on their favorite song lyrics. The page detects an interesting chunk of lyrics in a song and displays them with the steps to wash your hands.
Go ahead, make your own - it could turn into a GIF, too - and dance your hand-washing routine away with your favorite songs.