>>After a two and a half year deadlock, Lebanon parliament voted to elect long-time political leader Michel Aoun president. But some politicians had other suggestions...

>> An unnamed MP voted for Lebanese-Serbian Myriam Klink, a provocative model/singer, in Lebanon's presidential elections Monday. 

>She is well-known for her music video, "Klink Revolution" where she criticizes Lebanon's reigning political class while brandishing a machine gun in a graveyard. 

>The vote was disqualified. The reason? She belongs to the wrong sect. Klink is registered as a Greek Orthodox Christian, but Lebanon's unwritten National Pact of 1943 stipulates that the president should be a Maronite Christian. What a shame, really. 

The first vote count

Which led to a real discussion in the room on why she's not legible ...

Whoever the MP was, he/she won over the Internet

A "Hero"

Some referred to Klink as the real hero

This might have something to do with the vote...

G-string clad Klink is seen wearing presumptive president Michel Aoun's political color and waving his party flag in the run up to the election. These appeared on her Instagram page. 

There are suspects

Yup, fingers were being pointed

Lebanon's women representation in politics leaves a lot to be desired

Klink revolution indeed

This happened