Several parts of the Arab world have been battling harsh weather conditions for the past couple of weeks, with temperatures> hitting record-breaking lows in some countries. 

Bahrain was no exception - as roads were severely flooded following extreme rainfall.

On Friday, Prime Minister Prince Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa toured the kingdom to check on the damage caused by the rain. 

Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, and families were instructed to file for compensation.

However, amid all the drama, some decided to make light of the situation under the hashtag #BahrainIsDrowning (البحرين_تغرق). 

Here are some of the most hilarious reactions: 

1. Who needs surfing ... when you've got this?

2. People were beyond prepared ... goggles FTW!

3. "This is FIFA 17"

4. A Titanic inspired image made the rounds: "You jump, I jump remember?"

5. Bahrain doesn't have rivers? #AlternativeFacts

6. Kayaking came with kayak-car collisions ...

7. "Bahrainis got the beach house they always dreamed of"

8. "Bahrain was here"

9. Life in Bahrain in a nutshell: