You know it's not a complete family gathering if you don't hear the words "amtan badna nshufik 3aroos" a million times. This question is kind of the dumbest you could ever ask. I mean, if I had plans to get married I think everyone, the first being my relatives, would know all about it. Because there's no such thing as keeping secrets in the Arab world.

Don't know what to say when getting asked "When will we see you as a bride," here are 11 perfect responses:

1. Ma ana 3aroos, shu mfakerteni?

Just lie: "I'm already one, what'd you think I was?"

Even if you're not one, you're just as awesome.

2. Mesh darouri tshufeni 3aroos

Mind your own business: "You don't need to see me as a bride"

Little do they know you're not planning to invite them anyway.

3. Amtan badna nshuf bintik 3aroos?

Turn the tables: "When will we see your daughter as a bride?"

4. Yalla dabreeli 7adan

Why should you do all the work: "Come on, hook me up with someone" (This can be dangerous response)

Or dodge the whole thing all together...

5. Ana mnee7a, inti kifik?

*I'm good, how are you*

6. 3aroos? Ana bade 3aroos labneh w zaatar!

Use misdirection: "3aroos=sandwich"

7. Bas erja3 min l safar...

Procrastinate: "When i get back from my trip..."

Trip to neverland.

8. Or just be straight up honest:

Seriously though, when will this question cease to exist?