Trends, trends, trends. We follow them religiously and adopt them accordingly... until things start getting way out of hand.

This is a list of some of the most absurd nail trends in 2016, mostly trends that you can't really function with and would definitely be better off functioning without.

1. 3D nail art

Just NO!

2. Extra long nails

They look so real, right?!

3. Furry nails

Where hair is not meant to grow, it should not grow!

4. Bubble nails

Bubble gum anyone?

5. Pompom nails

Pretty sure nobody is rooting for this!

6. Duck feet nails

Believe it or not, we did learn something from Jersey Shore. We learned to never ever adopt anything they do, including their choice of nail trends.

7. Pierced nails


8. Extra pointy nails

Bugle chips anyone?