There are certain Arabic phrases that go to extreme measures when expressing love and respect you have for someone. We've all gotten used to these phrases because our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles have been drilling them through us since we were little kids. But, there's just something about saying them that doesn't feel right for a 20-something year old.

These 8 Arabic phrases are better off said by someone who is not in their 20s:

1. To'breeny / To'borny

When you understand the love behind this common Arabic phrase, it makes sense why our moms or grandmas say it. But for someone in their 20s, it's just too old and and a bit too dark.

2. Ya mashahar

It's a habit to say it, I know. * yam sha7ar mervet * ring a bell?

3. Yeslamo ediki

Something a mother would say to her mother-in-law to show respect after spending hours preparing a lovely feast. Unless you're married and are saying this to suck up and be kind to your mother-in-law, maybe try avoiding it and stick to the classic "shukran."

4. Shhar w te'teer

Two words that usually go hand in hand without question. But, enough with the shhar already. We have too much of it in our lives already.

5. Aazeem

What's wrong with just saying "ah kteer mneeh" or "awesome" or a smile or a dance.

6. Yekhreb zoo'ik / zoo'ak

You've probably heard this from your mother when you were attempting to do something and end up doing it wrong. But, saying it to a friend when he/she messes up just doesn't feel right.

7. Habibet albi

Claiming your teta has stolen your heart is just a bit too much. You're still young, no need for claiming hearts just yet.

8. Ya omre

You're not even that old yet so telling something that they are "your life and age" just diminishes their value to you.