A few days after Maryam Dajani, a sociology and anthropology student at AUB >wrote about her discriminatory and hateful encounter with sociology professor Samir Khalaf, friends and peers organized a protest in solidarity with the 18-year-old student. 

The professor had told Dajani, a hijabi, that she would have heard him better during a seminar "if you removed that scarf," after Dajani politely asked him to reiterate his words. 

The student would go on to report the incident to the Title IX office - which prohibits discrimination in all its forms including harassment based on religion, race, sex, gender, and disabilities.

The story quickly spread like wildfire. The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences >spoke to StepFeed at the time about diversity being at the core of AUB's values. 

AUB soon issued a statement emphasizing that "all allegations of harassment and discrimination [are taken] very seriously." 

On Wednesday, students made handmade signs and began protesting. The Dean of student affairs, Talal Nizameddin also took part. 

"Proud of our students AUB and of our dean Talal Nizameddin for standing together for tolerance and respect," AUB President Fadlo Khuri tweeted. 

Here are some of the most powerful ones: 

1. "Celebrate those differences"

2. "Hate is not welcome at AUB"

3. "Why the ignorance?"

4. "We can hear perfectly well, thank you very much"

5. Raise your voice ... we raise ours even louder

6. "Together against all hate"

7. "No hate"