Hair is magnificent when it's on your head. It only becomes problematic when it's everywhere else. Being an Arab means you're doomed to having lots of hair on your body, even you girls! Yes, I'm looking at you. Hair doesn't limit itself to your head, instead it just grows everywhere ... even in places you never thought were possible.

1. You feel like crap because most of your friends wax and it lasts them months


2. You try shaving but it comes back seeking revenge

What do you want from me!

3. Then you have that one annoying long hair. Like why?!

4. You also have ingrown hairs

Pick a side, hair!

5. Then you have 2 or more hairs growing from the same place

Get your own follicle!

6. And to top it off, you end up having hair grow in weird places ... like your knuckles

Knuckle hair not on fleek :(