In Lebanon, we always hear our parents and grandparents say that there is nothing better than spending your weekend in the mountain. While going there does help you relax, unwind and possibly regain your sanity, it can also be maddening to those who are used to living in the city.

If you're an active and jittery person like me, you'll know what a struggle it can be to go up there.


This obnoxious animal is an equivalent of a warsheh near your house. NO! JUST NO!

2. The birds

I'm thinking about adopting a cat just to release it on them whenever these little jerks show up. I have thrown every book/object at my window for them to shut up. They get quiet for like two seconds and then they start all over. Go tweet elsewhere, damn it!

3. All the gossip , ,

Way to talk my head off!

4. Hearing the same conversation, joke and riddle over and over and over … and over …

My anxieties start developing anxieties …