At last, Mark Zuckerberg has announced the long awaited new feature: Facebook is developing a "Dislike" button.

This feature will allow users to show discontent at other users' posts. And while theories about the button's look are spreading among users, we suggest the following five buttons to show how much a user dislikes a post:

1. "I Disagree"

Through this button, users will be able to express their dislike of ideas shared, or photos posted by others.

2. "Watch Yourself"

With this button, users will be able to threaten their friends into removing a post or a shared photo - or they'll regret it!

3. "F*ck You!"

With this button, users can express their rage and complete disapproval over their friends' shared content.

4. "You Deserve a Punch in the Face!"

This button will allow Facebook users to send online punches to other users, who probably deserve to get beaten over their posts.

 5. "I'm Gonna Murder You!"

It's over! A user's anger at this post has reached its limit ... and the pissed off user is now going to murder their friend – not literally.