It is no secret that Arabic language is in real danger. Arabs are increasingly drifting away from their mother tongue in favor of other languages such as English and French. In the GCC, this issue is more apparent and prominent.
A clear example of the negligence Arabic language suffers from can be seen in the huge amount of wrongly spelled and written signs that we come across on a daily bases in GCC supermarkets, roads and shops. Sadly, most of these signs are made by non-Arabic speakers using Google translate. The result is extremely funny and bizarre words that don’t make sense at all.
Here are a few funny but sad examples of how Arabic language is being slowly murdered by Google translate and lack of care. I do hope our eyes will never have to read such atrocities anymore!
1. This sign takes animal crossbreeding to a whole new level!

2. We certainly won’t risk passing down that road then!

3. Nothing tastes better than mussels dipped in “petrol”… yumm!

4. Well at least they got all the other words right!