If you live in the United Arab Emirates, then you must have heard of or even used some of these words and expressions that might have sounded weird to you at first as an expat. The spoken language in the UAE has a lot of influence from Urdu, Pakistani, Persian and even English. This mix gave us a massive inventory of mixed-up words that became part of the daily conversation for both Emiratis and expats.

So, in order to be a true expat in the UAE, you have to learn some of that lingo and casually drop these 13 words and expressions in your “ramsah” … or conversation.

1. Zain?

I love this multipurpose Emirati word because it can be used in so many different contexts. It could mean: “OK?” Or “OK!!” Or “nice!” or “delicious” or “good” or ... The sky is the limit really.

2. Seedha or “seeda”

An Urdu word that means “straight ahead.” A very useful word when trying to communicate with most taxi drivers.

3. Bannadd

Another Urdu word that means “close.” What do you mean the gym is “bannadd?!" It is legs day!!

4. Same same but different

Come on! Do I really need to explain that one? It’s one of the most popular and loved expressions in UAE. How can you not like it and use it every five minutes?

5. Khalli walli

An Emirati expression which means “get lost.” It is the magical answer to every annoying thing/person in life… the boss is bothering you? Khalli walli … the dress doesn’t fit? Khalli walli … the love interest doesn’t get that stalking is a form of flattery? Khalli Walli!

6. Fi ma’aloum?

Also an Emirati expression meaning “do you understand?” Fi ma’aloum that I don’t like to be greeted with “Hello Ma’am Sir?”

7. Arbab

An Arabic word which means boss. It is the perfect companion for “Khalli walli”… I’m sure we can all agree on that one!

8. Bezat

An Indian word that means “money.” We all know that “bezat” can’t buy you happiness … but it can buy you nice cars, private jets, trips around the world … have you ever seen a sad person on the beach in Maldives?

9. Drewel

From the English word “driver.” A drewel is considered a saint and a life saver for many locals and expats in UAE, especially when you can’t handle parking, maps, traffic jams, directions and driving in a sane way.

10. Etfannash

From the English word “finished.” It is a dreadful word used when someone loses his/her job or is made redundant. It is the nightmare of every expat in UAE … Nobody wants to hear this word … NOBODY!

11. Ramsah

An Emirati word that means “conversation” or “talk.” We all know that person whose “ramsah” gives us stomach cramps … don’t we?

12. Wayed

An Emirati word that means "very." Tell me again about your gym duckface selfies … I’m "wayed" interested!

13. Nafar

An Arabic word that means “person.” That “nafar” is not “zain” because he’s “wayed” annoying … "khalli walli"!