Muslim cleric and scholar sheikh Azhar Nasser's lightheartedness and humor on Twitter is like nothing we've ever seen before. 

When he's not brilliantly responding to >people's questions about Islam on Twitter, he's hilariously hitting back at racists, Islamophobes, and bigots. 

Here are a few of his funniest comebacks: 

1. Trolling level: Sheikh Azhar Nasser

2. Perfectly hitting back at Trump's Muslim travel ban

3. And schooling racist British columnist Katie Hopkins

The perfect >shut down. 

4. Nasser is always there for it on Twitter

5. But really now, how much?

6. Clap-back after clap-back

7. "Are you always the life of the party?"

8. Yet another epic comeback

9. And another...

10. Hey Donald Trump...

11. Endless Trump trolling...

12. Sheikh Nasser is the king of Twitter come backs, period...