Time and again, people in the region talk about the startup ecosystem and about nourishing this ecosystem without actively doing so. The biggest mistake we all make is choosing international companies over regional startups. We either do so out of convenience since using a fully established product or service removes the risk of having to deal with bugs or because of a lack of proper marketing from the local alternative.

If we want to support and grow the startup ecosystem in the region, the first thing we need to do is help grow their user base. The only way this could happen is if we start using their services and possibly provide feedback when necessary. Without a decent user base, funding becomes more of a challenge, and no further developments will happen until enough money is raised – a vicious cycle.

These are 11 local alternatives to international companies you should get your hands on immediately:

2. Careem over Uber

3. Souq over Amazon

5. Jamalon over Amazon

8. Instabeat over Aqua Pulse

9. Payfort over Paypal

10. Aramex over DHL

Depending on where you're living:

11. Bey2ollak / Tari2ak over Google Traffic