In a country where a large number of people are trilingual, >slangs and >expressions develop faster than your mom can brew Turkish coffee in the early morning.

>Lebanese lingo is the child of both English and French, with a touch only the people of Lebanon> have mastered.

Here are 10 of the most locally used words that only Lebanese understand:

1. Shower - Douche = Etdawash

Example: “Bhal shob betdawash chi marten bel nhar.”

Translation: “With such heat, I could shower twice a day.”

2. Blow dryer - Séchoir = Sachwer

Example: “3am faker sachwer sha3re lyom.”

Translation: “I’m considering blow-drying my hair today.”

3. Freezing = Mfarez

Example: “Kteer mfarze.”

Translation: “I’m freezing.

4. Depressed = Mdapress

Example: “Shu fi? Leh mdapress?”

Translation: “What’s wrong? Why are you depressed?

5. Check = Chayyik

Example: “Lahza khaleene chayyik hal mahal.”

Translation: “Wait, let me check this place out.”

6. Cancelled = Tkansal

Example: Tkansal el mashrou3.”

Translation: “The plan was cancelled.

7. Charging = Charrej

Example: “3m tcharje telephonic?”

Translation: “Are you charging your phone?”

8. Google it = Gawgel

Example: “El estez ale gawgel el material.”

Translation: “My teacher told me to google the material.”

9. Save it = Sayvo

Example: “Ha sayev ra2mo.”

Translation: “I’m going to save his number.”

10. Hyper = Mhaypra

Example: “Ana kteer mhaypra lyom.”

Translation: “I’m very hyper today.”