If you're a hummussexual, you know it's only normal to have an urge to express your undying love for this delicious chickpea paste. Whisper surely hasn't missed out on this. The fact that it's an anonymous social media platform would have you believing the posts would be more about something people are afraid to talk about publicly. But, I guess not.

1. It takes one try to change your life...

2. And you ultimately realize it's all your heart really needs

3. You then truly know how easy you are to please

4. Although you sometimes tend to take your indulgences a bit too far

5. You will always stay true to your love for hummus, no matter what

6. Because it goes with just about anything


8. You've also learned how to have fun with your hummus

9. Although chickpeas aren't your favorite, hummus is the only exception to that

10. And simply put, if you don't agree you're just not human