You know if you're a woman walking down the streets of Lebanon, there's no escaping getting hit on. Those old men sitting on white plastic chairs smoking their cigarette and bored out of their minds just get on your nerve every single time. Here are 10 things you're bound to hear when walking the streets of Lebanon:

1.Yo2borne ana

Are you suggesting I kill and then bury you?

2. Shu hal za2ra

Am i supposed to walk and smile at strangers?

3. Leh m3asbe

You're not making me feel better you know.

4. Shu hal de7ke l 7elwe

*He says as you're talking on the phone*

5. Ya 3ayne

If looking at me is too hard, let me help you by pepper-spraying you.

6. Amar w meshi

Considering a walking moon is non-existent, this isn't really a compliment.

7. Smallah 3alayke

Please knock on wood.

8. Ye5ze l 3ein

But 3angad khalas.

9. Jamelik

I understood the first 3 times you said it.

10. Shu hal zaher ... byo2har aher


At the end of the day, you start considering walking the streets like this...