It certainly feels like the world is changing at an exponential rate. Perhaps it's all the technological advancements that have taken place in the last decade or perhaps that's just what getting older feels like.
Either way, job opportunities that didn't exist just a few years back are now viable career options. While some are important and have had a positive impact on our lives ... others, well, not so much.
Here's a closer look at jobs that didn't exist in the Middle East and North Africa a decade ago:
1. Zumba instructor
Ten years ago, ra2s shar2e (belly dancing) was all the rage, today it's Zumba.
Who among us doesn't have at least one friend who's a certified Zumba instructor, or trying to be one?
2. Life coach

In an episode of the cringeworthy Lebanese reality TV show, known as The Sisters, one of its 'stars' visits a 'life coach.'
His role? Helping her find a passion in life.
Yep, life coaches are now a thing, and we bet there weren’t many in the Arab world a decade ago. People back then coached their lives all by themselves.
3. Social media Influencer

Whether it's lifestyle, food, fashion, or business, if you've got enough (real) followers on social media, you might be considered an influencer in your field of specialty.
And you might also stand to make loads of money off of your posts. It's all the rage these days.
4. Fashionista
Throw a weird looking coat on, team it up with some swanky boots, get someone to take a professional photo of you, post it on Instagram via the hashtag: #fashionista.
There, you've got your fashion(ista) career going.
5. Image consultant/stylist
For many people, the days of going to a store to pick out their own clothes are now long gone.
Today, a lot of people need an 'image consultant' to tell them exactly what to wear.
6. Mobile app developer
This is one of the most important jobs to arise in the past decade.
A mobile app developer is someone who creates apps that could go on to become essential to our lives in the modern world.
7. Social media manager
This job title didn't exist 10 years ago, but today many companies can't run without a team of social media managers.
They're people who curate and manage the company's published content, and they're also responsible for marketing and outreach all at the same time.
8. Uber/Careem driver
Yep, 10 years ago cab drivers were all we had.
Today, it's been revolutionized by technology.
9. Blogger
Nope, not a journalist, a blogger ... they are different. Look it up.
10. Youtuber
Youtube was founded in 2005, but it was only a few years later that 'YouTubing' became a viable career option.
The past ten years have seen many Arab youth succeed on the platform.
Want to start a career on YouTube? Grab a camera, shoot, edit it into a video or vlog, upload, share ... you're halfway there!