There are Muslims who honestly, wholeheartedly can't wait for >Ramadan... and then there are Muslims on Twitter who fake their excitement for likes and retweets... 

Either way, Muslims all around the world are getting ready for another full month of fasting and the countdown has officially begun. 

Here are 10 tweets that will remind you that Ramadan is slowly creeping up on us, and is now less than a few days away:

1. That one nightmare

Every girl's worst nightmare in Ramadan. 

2. That one time men actually make an effort

They need to rest for a whole evening now.

3. That one part non-muslims just don't understand

You hear "not even water?" in your sleep if you live in a Western country. 

4. That one month Shaytan fears the most

See you in 30 days. 

5. That one taste you just can't have

6. That one excuse to be a spoiled kid

*wakes up thirsty*
*starts complaining* 

7. That one favorite turn-up

The best loud sound you've ever heard. 

8. That look on Shaytan's face

9. That new look your aunts will approve of

That's one hijab we can all get behind. 

10. That one look you're sporting on the first day