If you have not travelled on Middle East Airlines, you have not experienced traveling without a dull moment in sight. As a proud Lebanese, I can say this airline has come a very long way. But nothing is completely Lebanese without moments of, "I just don’t get it."
For the frequent flyers, you have probably become so accustomed to what you see that some moments don't even shock you anymore. This is just a little reminder as to why we love MEA and why it remains the airline of choice for some ...
1. Kanafeh or an omelette?

For any flights departing between 7 a.m. and 12 p.m., your meal plan comes with two great options: The infamous kanafeh or an omelette! We will mark the 30-year anniversary of MEA breakfast very soon ...
2. Overhead luggage compartment

Last we checked those little compartments on top of the seats were meant to fit EVERYONE’s belongings. How is it possible that the minute you get on the plane all compartments are already full with 60 percent of them packed with blankets and pillows while the rest contain Al Rifai and Al Hallab bags?Go figure!
3. Last minute goodbyes

We all clearly know that putting our phones into airplane mode for take off and landing is absolutely mandatory for safety reasons. Who cares about safety when you undeniably need to call your friends and family last minute to inform them that you made it on the plane safely ... while the aircraft is taking off ... and you will call to let them know once you have arrived safely the minute the wheels come down ... and before you have actually completed landing.
4. Speed dating onboard
If you happen to be sitting next to someone that has a son that is single and has some amazing job in Dubai, you are in for one exciting ride! After some deep interrogations about your family, your history and basically your whole entire life, the tante sitting next to you will assure you that she will be informing her son about you ... and he will be adding you on Facebook tonight.
5. The clapping
Bravo captain! You deserve an ovation because you just landed the plane safely!
6. Seat belts come off the minute the wheels are down
"Kindly remain seated until the seat belt sign has been switched off and the aircraft has come to a complete stop" ... Yeah, OK. Nice try!
7. Baby seats?
Now, for anyone that has a baby and has been informed that the first row is ALWAYS priority for mothers with children, think again. Some people want extra leg space and need to stretch every once in a while ... Your baby can sit on your lap and you will be just fine.
8. Those short flight videos of Dr. Nader Saab
If your flight is less than one hour, you will be the lucky passenger that gets to watch a video – on repeat – about how amazing Dr. Nader Saab is. Out of boredom you might start contemplating some plastic surgery procedure you never, ever considered before ...
9. Time to get off the plane
There is one exit with only one destination. I promise, we will all get there! Tip: Travel with steel toe boots. Your feet will experience a carry-on massacre an average of four to five times while trying to exit the plane.
10. Business class ...
God’s chosen people! No Comment.