What would you do if US President-elect Donald Trump came over for a visit?
Well, these Saudi snapchatters imagined exactly that and the results are somewhere far beyond hilarious.

The Snapchat story opens with a young Saudi announcing that Trump's arrival to the compound is imminent. Quickly, the men of the family (and some paparazzi) head out to welcome the new American president.

In typical Trump style – complete with a perfect yellow combover – the impersonator steps out of his vehicle as the Saudi crowd rushes to welcome the reality star turned politician turned world leader.
It's not everyday that such an important individual stops by for a visit.

Speaking in a mix of English and Arabic, Trump lounges on the traditional Saudi cushions and asks all the important questions like: "Are you Muslims?"
But wait, it gets better as Trump samples some traditional khobiz mohala, comparing the sweet bread to donuts. His massive bodyguard stands alert behind him, gruffly refusing the hospitality offered by the hosts.

And then comes the dancing ... And of course, the Arabic coffee.
Watch the full video and you're guaranteed to LOL at least a few times at the hilarious mix of Trump mockery and Saudi comedy.
And if you're looking for some more Khaleeji content about the Trump family, check this oh-so eloquent love poem written for Trump's daughter Ivanka.
A Khaleeji poet penned the romantic short verse titled "For the eyes of Ivanka Trump" and shared them via a not-cheesy-at-all clip.