After a two and a half year deadlock, Lebanon parliament voted to elect long-time political leader Michel Aoun president. But some politicians had other suggestions...
An unnamed MP voted for Lebanese-Serbian Myriam Klink, a provocative model/singer, in Lebanon's presidential elections Monday.
She is well-known for her music video, "Klink Revolution" where she criticizes Lebanon's reigning political class while brandishing a machine gun in a graveyard.
The vote was disqualified. The reason? She belongs to the wrong sect. Klink is registered as a Greek Orthodox Christian, but Lebanon's unwritten National Pact of 1943 stipulates that the president should be a Maronite Christian. What a shame, really.
The first vote count
Which led to a real discussion in the room on why she's not legible ...
Whoever the MP was, he/she won over the Internet
A "Hero"
Some referred to Klink as the real hero
This might have something to do with the vote...

G-string clad Klink is seen wearing presumptive president Michel Aoun's political color and waving his party flag in the run up to the election. These appeared on her Instagram page.