On Tuesday, Europe's top court passed a law allowing employers to ban workers from wearing any "visible religious symbols," including the hijab.
The decision sparked a discussion among Muslim women as the ruling meant one thing: women wearing the religious headscarf can be denied a job simply because of the way they dress.
In the face of rising judgement that deems hijabis as automatically oppressed, this decision shows real oppression, and Muslim women just won't have it.
1. Some are wondering how exactly a hijab affects productivity
2. "Religious discrimination" at its worst

3. Muslim women excelling in the job market has freaked the world out!
4. The decision "hinders career progression, social mobility"
5. Is this what liberation looks like?

6. What will happen if someone sits next to a hijabi at the office? Enlighten us
7. Has anyone ever gotten sick from a reported hijab-wearing-case?

8. Is this just another name for a #HijabBan ?
9. It's a shame that choosing between "faith and feeding families" is an actual law