In ordinary households, people invest in items in order to use them. In Arab homes, this rule does not apply.
Because here, at our mothers' palaces, it's out of the question to touch, let alone use most things. They're simply there... "bas manzar" (on display).
Things like what, you ask? Here's a list.
1. Every single item in the coveted salon

It's forbidden to go anywhere near glassware, vases, plants, and even seating areas here.
So simply, for your own safety, stay away.
2. Sofas/couches
Yes, it's unusual but true.
3. The "namliyye"

It's also known as a pantry or kitchen cabinet; in an Arab home, you'll get in trouble if you mess with it.
4. Baba's Briefcase
It may be empty or contain yellowed paper of no use whatsoever. It remains a mystery and a curiosity tickler.
Don't touch it though. You've been warned.
5. The remote controls

Especially after they've passed the duct taping stage.
6. The guest towels

We'll never understand why. Never, I say!
7. The crochet table covers

Lay your hand on one of these and watch what'll happen.
8. China, cutlery, expensive crystal/glassware

The list goes on and on and on and you still can't get anywhere near these!
9. Bonus round: anything on a guest dinner table

Arab parents take the dining table very seriously, especially when guests are coming over.
Try stealing a piece of "samboosek" or "wara2 3enab" off a plate before guests are seated and prepare for hell!