We've all had to deal with our fair share of hair problems. It's on your mind (and your head) a lot of the time, and you scour the Internet for solutions. But you forget the ultimate resource: the Arab grandma.
Sure she sounds old school, but decades upon decades of experience with hairy situations means she's got this. And you should listen up!
Here are 7 hair remedies your teta told you about, and that you will one day hope to pass down to the rest of your maternal gene pool.
1. Olive oil gets rid of the frizz

Olive oil is composed of fatty acids which will create a natural coating to your hair, keeping your hair protected. This is especially important if you blow dry your hair often.
It's your go-to solution if you're in desperate need for your hair to grow. So says grandma, who emphasizes this a lot because she clearly misses the luscious locks of her youth.
2. Egg yolk for short hair

If you haven't tried this, you should. It's easy and simple, and you can do it like grandma! Beat the egg yolk, mix in honey and olive oil ... and you've got yourself a mask.
Eggs are a good source of protein as well as fatty acids, which work together to strengthen your hair, acting as a natural moisturizer and a dandruff solution.
3. Henna isn't just for coloring your hair

Henna has a natural powder for coloring hair, as we all know. But it also has a number of other benefits. It helps prevent dandruff and dry scalps, acts as a conditioner and helps your hair grow faster.
4. Zeit el kharwa (castor oil) for hair loss

If your Arab genes haven't completely kicked in, and you have thin, sparse eyebrows, then I'm sure your teta has told you about zeit el kharwaa. She probably told you to put it on your eyebrows every night before you went to bed.
Yes, your teta was right. Castor oil has natural antibacterial properties and beneficial fatty acids.
It's been especially used to combat hair loss.
5. Lemon for dandruff

Your teta knew what she was doing she left those half-lemon pieces in the fridge.
Squeezing lemon juice on your hair can act as a mask for people who suffer from dandruff. It also can help "straighten out" your frizzy hair, and it's a great way to lighten the color in your hair, especially if you spend a lot of time in the sun.
6. Ginger for pretty much everything

Ginger (zanjabeel in Arabic) is rich in minerals and natural oils and so it'll fight a big battalion of your hair issues: hair loss, seedy (non-shiny) hair, itchy scalp...really, nearly every hair problem you've ever struggled with.
7. Zeit el namel to prevent excess hair

Zeit el namel (oil from ants) can help reduce the amount of hair your growing in places you don't really want the hair.
Teta says it works, but only if you're consistent with it. Which is why you can expect her to make multiple phone calls to check if you're sticking with the program.