Lebanese people just love to flaunt their hospitable nature, even if that sometimes subjects them to awkward moments. 

I mean, what if someone takes things said out of habit too literally? Hospitality phrases like "tfaddal" and "ta3a kil youm"? 

As a rule of thumb for the receiving end, don't ever say YES to any of these 6 things. It's social suicide.  

1. "Ta3a kil youm" when someone thanks you

This is a phrase that is most often said when someone thanks you for hosting them at your house. 

It goes something like: 

*Guest* : 3anjad thank you. Your ma7shi is to die for! 

*You* : Yee walaw, ta3a kil youm! 

I mean what if the person actually starts coming to you everyday for favors and questions? Is that what you really want? 

And what if then they start coming to your house everyday too?! The horror.

2. "Eh tollo" when you run into someone unexpectedly

You're casually doing your monthly grocery shopping when you suddenly run into your long-lost frenemy.  

Small talk conquers the entire encounter ... but then comes the awkward ending. That's when you say: "eb2o tollo". Not a good thing when you can't stand each other. 

3. "M2adame" when someone compliments your clothes

We all say it like we mean it. 

But, would you just strip down in the middle of the road and give away your favorite t-shirt when someone compliments you for it? 

Didn't think so. 

4. "Khaleekon, khaleekon ba3da bakeer" ... when it's 3 am

So you're at a "sahra" at someone's home ... and before you know it, it's way too late. 

You immediately act shocked and say: "yee yee t2akharna 3andkon!"

To which your host responds with eyes bloodshot with fatigue: "no, really stay, ba3d bakeer." 

Don't ever fall for that trap. Don't ever say yes. Your host will kill you.

5. "Tfadal/Tfadali" when someone sees you eating

You've been waiting 7 hours to sit and eat that plate of koussa and wara2 3enab ... and the portion you have with you is really only enough for one. 

All of a sudden, someone approaches you and tells you "sahtein". Because you have to be super polite, you somehow end up telling that person "tfadal/tfadali".

Deep down you just want them to walk away. 

If you're ever told that, please don't reach for a bite. Just don't.

6. "Beit baytkon" when someone comes over

This is basically another way to tell people to make themselves at home ... except you don't really mean it. 

Please, don't put your feet up on the sofa or the coffee table if I say that. Just don't.