We can all positively,100 percent, no doubt, absolutely agree that the classroom can be a very boring place.
Fortunately, there are some things that make the daily torture sessions more bearable and memorable.

It's really hard to resist the temptation of sa7sou7ing a classmate and sending his soul to the seventh realm of hell and back.
It certainly gets tense when he gets salty and says:
"Bi 7e22ele redda, bro!"
2. "SAFETYY!" "NYAAAA22222!!"

Someone in this picture just "atla2 ghazeto", "naffas ghaz" or "fajjar mawehbo" in the middle of class. Try guessing who it is.
3. It's not cheating if you don't get caught ;)

Famous last words: "Bro rashet hal m3alme ma bte2sha3."
This is usually the last thing someone says before they are caught with 14 pages of geography cheat sheets in their left sock. The teacher instantly turns into an erupting mass of anger and all the student has to say is: "Hal war2a mesh la ele shoufe shou baddik ta3mle."

Things can get super slow during class, even the abstract concept of time.
"Adde ba3ed fi?'
"5 min"
"Ken fi 5 min min 5 min"
"Kif zabatet ma3ak?"
"khallas skot."
5. The temperature

Is it hot? Is it cold?
It actually depends on who you ask. Girls are cold; teachers always feel that the class smells like the local zoo and need to open the windows all year long.
6. SPIN, SPIN, SPIN!!!!!!
This goes to show just how bored and desperate we get during class. We have gotten addicted to spinning a toy.
Long story short: We're disgusting, we yell, we hit, we spin, we ask, and we get angry with the teachers ... all in an attempt to add some fun to what we're told is the most memorable part of our lives.