Bus rides, like time spent on campus, constitute an integral part of the overall student experience.
But for Lebanese students, the journey back home is filled with quirks, songs and a whole lot of laughter.
If you've ever been to a Lebanese school, then you've probably experienced some of these unique bus shenanigans.
1. Ya chauffeur d3ass benzin!!!

Right when we thought that we couldn't possibly be more annoying, we pulled off our foolproof method to get our bus driver to speed up. Also known as the ol' traditional bus song passed down from one generation to the next, it went something like this:
"Ya chauffeur d3ass benzin 3al 199, la tkhaf min bolees, na7na wlad (insert school name)!"
2. "3AMMO! Carl el kbir mesh 3am bi khalline eftah el shebbek!"
Asserting dominance and making yourself known is an integral part of the bus ride home ... and according to bus logic: Bigger window opening = DOMINANCE.
3. Secret societies

Sometimes, it gets boring, so to keep ourselves entertained and the driver annoyed, we play games together. Countless are the times that we kept on repeating again and again and again:
"Ziro...ziro... sept! " or " Draaaagun bolll!!"
Poor 3ammo...
4. "Ma t3ida aw bet shouf shi ma bye3jbak!"
Bus fights! Just don't take them seriously!
5. Old bus, old seat

Next time you're on a bus sit next to the "3ammo" , he'll tell you the story behind every ripped seat and who was responsible for it.
"Ele khamsa w 3eshreen sene be zet el autocar," he'll say.
Gotta love 3ammo chauffeur el-bus!
6. Songs
There is something about buses that makes students wanna sing! When the music starts, the big kids will always give the smaller ones the death stare but the smaller kids don't care!
Enjoy your school days while they last!