Arab moms are always on our heels, overly dramatizing the norm, and making it seem like the world if going to end when we're really just not in the mood to wear a sweater at home.
But we know all this is just the Arab way of caring. And when it comes to caring, Arab moms pretty much have got it down to an art.
While art isn't always understandable, it's appreciated -well, most of the time anyway.
1. They define unconditional love
Sometimes they don't come right out and say it, but Arab moms love fiercely and unconditionally.
While it may sound to us that they're angry, accusing us of not caring much for ourselves or for them, this is code for something else: showing us how much they really care.
So, buckle up and pay close attention (for this one, you may actually have to unbuckle!)
2. They'll feed you, night and day
3. Mama will tell you she loves you in a 100 different ways
4. She will check up on you constantly

5. Their sense of humor knows no bounds
Arab moms are hilarious, especially when they make fun of their own kids.
You're basically source material for all their 3azayem jokes!
While you pretend to hate it, you have actually inherited her talent.
Where else did you think you got your humor from? Your dad? Please.
6. And it's not just you, they'll make fun your favorite celebrity too
7. They got free-styling down, yo
8. They put your well-being above all else
Arab mamas are like mama cubs, they will put your well-being first, even if it seems like they're just trying to make you suffer.
No matter the circumstance, they're looking out for you.
9. Whether you're embarrassing yourself in public
10. Or when you're just being a stubborn baby
11. They recycle!
It's said that one man's trash is another man's treasure, but when it comes to your trash, your mom will make it look like an art installation!
Arab moms never waste anything, even if you aren't done with it yet.
12. Don't want your colorful shisha hoses? Mama does
13. Need a weapon for the zombie apocalypse? Mama's got you covered
14. Ah, the infamous Arab Mom dust rag (aka mimsa7a)
15. Even your Assassin's Creed figurines will come in handy
Translation: My mother put incense in the hand of Connor from Assassin's Creed, and when I asked her why, she said "instead of him doing nothing now he has something to do."