Arab moms are on a league of their own. These tweets sum up the very unique force of nature that is the Arab mother.

1. Making your diets an even bigger challenge

Didn't you just tell me I should lose weight?

2. The "when I was your age" mantra

You should ask your grandma about how credible those claims are if you want to put this case to rest with some solid comebacks.

3. Having a busier a social life than you

Or is decked out in Halloween costume when you're 'just chilling' with your friends on October 31st.

4. Beware of how easily she can lose her chill

5. Nothing gets lost when mama's around

6. Guilt tripping more frequent than your trips to work

7. Arabs really don't get enough credit for recycling

8. Panadol PR

9. Her sense of humor is unrivalled

10. So is her 90's glam

Which leaves you wondering whether those beauty genes skipped a generation.

11. And of course, her mad cooking skills

Now those definitely skipped a generation.