Planning ahead for a full day of starvation requires some thorough effort. During the holy month of Ramadan, stocking up on healthy snacks before the sun rises is essential for your bodily and mental function.
Drinking a lot of water and foods with low sodium will guarantee you a relaxed and fully hydrated day. Just remember that no day ever lasted forever. You will eat and you will drink, patience is a virtue.
Remember the rule of 4:
,- Carbs
- Protein
- Fiber
- Fluids
Here are some light yet fulfilling snacks to consider for that 3 a.m. wakeup:
1. Eggs and avocado toast

2. Date nut bars

3. Quinoa fruit salad

4. Foul with minced onions and tomatoes

5. Peanut butter and banana smoothie

6. Hummus with grilled vegetable wrap

7. Quinoa salad with grilled chicken

8. Oatmeal with Greek yogurt, dried fruits and nuts

9. Peanut butter with bananas and chia seeds on a bagel

10. Peanut butter and jelly date smoothie

11. Pasta salad with vegetables