Diversity is what makes this place so beautiful.
In the UAE, out of the 9.2 million total population, the expatriates contribute to around 7.8 million, with Emirati nationals holding a population share of 1.4 million.
With a vast demographic variation, there are a number of nationalities who form a part of the majority of the expats in the UAE, especially in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
Here are 11 annoying things most of these "expats" in the UAE are guilty of doing:
1. "About last night"
When people post pictures from the previous night with the caption "about last night..."
This is so original and has never been done before by anyone, ever...
2. The Sandpit
When people refer to Dubai as "the sandpit."
Again, this is ingenious, as Dubai is in a desert, and deserts have sand. People will just die laughing...
3. "Doobs"
When people refer to Dubai as "Doobs," an alternative to "the sandpit."
So funny, rofl, lol...
4. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When people in "the sandpit" think one exclamation mark isn't enough to highlight something completely trivial...
5. "This one"
When you refer to your "friend" - perhaps someone you met that night - as "this one."
"At Blue Marlin Doobs with this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
6. "One of my faves"
Marking that friendship with "one of my faves" is surely the ultimate #friendshipgoal.
7. "They see me rollin'"
When people at Dubai Mall pose next to supercars they don't own with the caption "They see me rollin".
I'll leave it at that...
8. Insta-labeling everything you wear...

When the "influencer" reveals every single label he/she is wearing on Instagram... Because, remember, TAP FOR TAGS is life...
9. #longhashtagsaresuperannoyingbutiwillusethemanyway
10. "So, this just happened…"

In Dubai, awareness of time is crucial.
Whenever something happens, it’s imperative that you declare it with the words "So, this just happened…"