It all dates back to when the French occupied the country. Their language took a toll on Lebanese people, becoming the default second language taught to students in schools (see parents as reference). With time, as with everything else, we added our very own special touch to the French vocabulary and did quite well. It kinda killed the original French language, but as long as we understand each other, who cares right?
Here are 10 times people in Lebanon failed, but secretly succeeded, in French.
1. Échappement as "eshkmon"

When referring to the car exhaust, some people tend to eat a few of the letters and replace them with others, completely switching up the word. Luckily, we all have come to understand the altered French vocabulary.
2. Chambre à air as "chamberyel"

What's wrong with just using the Arabic word, "unboub"?
3. Frein as "frem"

You know you're guilty of this one...
*shahat frem khaye, tayarni min l shebek*
4. Moteur as "moter"

I blame it on the electricity problems.
5. Ascenseur as "asanser"

It's just easier to pronounce that know it is.
6. Espadrille as "spedrin"

Yeah there's no "n" in this word but somehow we managed to sneak it in there.
7. Cure-dent as "kirdon"

Or sometimes even as "kirdooniii".
8. Paille as "shalimone"

"Chalumeau" is the word people think they're using when saying "shalimone". This actually means blowpipe (not straw), so the use of the entire word is faulty. I know I'm still going to say shalimone, you?
9. Volant as "darkesion"

Our coined "darkesion" refers to the steering wheel (volant in French) while driving which originally comes from the French word "direction".
10. Mademoiselle as "matmosel"

Let's agree to stop using this one though?