Zoomaal, a leading Middle Eastern crowdfunding website, has launched a new project in partnership with Hivos International that aims to have women take the lead in their societies.

The Women on the Frontline Challenge was launched on Sept. 4 and is taking applications until the beginning of October for projects that will have "a positive impact" on Arab women's position in their society. HI, an international organization with reach in over 26 countries around the world, will be matching the donations made to the projects.

The crowdfunding website welcomes all projects – creative or social causes – as long as their main aim is to promote gender equality and celebrate the role of women in society. The rules stipulate that the projects' budget may not exceed $25,000 and that they must come from the Arab world.

Donors will be able to contribute up to $500 to the campaign of their choice starting November, and Hivos will match up to $4,000 in funds in each project.