A teacher in the United States has drawn controversy after tweeting that the world and the Middle East would be better without Muslims.
"#BANISLAM imagine how much more peaceful the Middle East, and the entire world would be with no Muslims," Sheri Sapp, a foreign language teacher at Nitro High School in the state of West Virginia, tweeted.
Ummm ... What about all the wars the United States, Europe and Russia have started in the Middle East over the last century? Hmmm ...
She shared the tweet earlier this month, but news of the Islamophobic statement has just made headlines, as some parents and students expressed concern.

"If you replaced that word 'Muslim' with any other religion, you would see the problem," Shayla Leftridge, a parent from the school, told local WSAZ News Channel 3.
"I think that kind of rhetoric is dangerous for kids. I think teachers need to mold and facilitate conversations for kids to make up their own minds," she said.
The school released a statement to WSAZ saying it was addressing the issue, but would not provide details.
"We are aware of the situation with Ms. Sapp and as this is a personnel matter, it is being handled internally. We cannot disclose any action that has or has not been taken regarding employment. All County policies are taken into account when considering whether or not action is warranted," a spokesperson for the school said.
In the school's social media policy, it specifically says that employees and teachers are considered representatives of the school, even online.
"You will be identified as an employee of the school district in what you say online," the policy says.
Sheri Sapp has publicly shared her strong support for President Donald Trump

U.S President Donald Trump ran his presidential campaign with strong anti-Muslim rhetoric, calling for a complete ban on all Muslims entering the U.S.
After he took office this year, he has tried twice to implement travel bans on immigrants and refugees from several Muslim-majority countries. Both attempts have been blocked by U.S. courts.
Many are outraged by Sapp's xenophobic tweet and want the school to take action.
The world would actually be more peaceful without bigotry
Because hate is not OK

Action has been taken against teachers who did this before
A social studies teacher, also from West Virginia, was suspended in January after posting racist tweets targeting blacks, President Barack Obama and Muslims. Mary Durstein called for the mass deportation of Muslims in the U.S. and attacked Obama and the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
"The tweets that you have seen — those are things that we do not adhere to,” Cabell County Superintendent Bill Smith said at the time, according to New York Daily News.
“We believe that all children are welcome here — all adults as well — in Cabell County schools.”