This is what your Lebanese pickup line should be2016-12-04 06:00By Leyal Khalife Executive EditorA disclaimer: a pick up line shouldn't be confused with catcalling. Unsolicited flirtation isn't fun or cool. 1.LionBirdKangarooDog2.TennisMartial ArtsRugbyHorse-Jumping3.Kibbe NayyeMeghliDjej w toumManoushe4.The Lion KingJurassic ParkChicken LittleThe Angry Birds Movie5.Your temperYour sensitivityYour "play it safe" attitudeYour loudness6.Dark OrangeBrick RedOlive GreenPale Yellow7.InvisibilityNight VisionSuperhuman StrengthFlying8.Akeed3adeInshallahWalawView Results