Riyadh doesn't get enough credit for being a nice place. Despite all the compromises you make growing up there, there are a lot of things to be grateful for. Even if you missed a certain worldwide event, this memory becomes a part of your nostalgia after you leave.
And it was worth getting yelled at by your parents.
2. You witnessed Tihama Bookstore go from a cubicle to a large portion of Akaria Mall
3. You practically lived in the second floor of Al-Jazeera shopping center as a kid
You were completely crushed when it burned to the ground. Your heart broke into a million pieces when you found out it was rebuilt without the kids play center.
4. This was the coolest mall in Riyadh.
Akariyah Shopping center II
You shopped there every.single.day! But you have to admit, Akariyah II was way cooler than Akariyah I. And you anxiously waited for this advanced masterpiece to be built
Akariyah Plaza Unfortunately, the hype was short-lived..
Thanks to these two:
Al-Faisalia Mall
Kingdom Center