We've all been victims of lectures. Whether you've done something wrong or right, Arab parents just love giving hour long lectures that seem to have no end.

If you've had to sit through those long conversations a million times, I'm sure you know what to expect from your parents by now.

Here's kinda what the one-way conversation looks like:

1. Bringing up the "when I was your age" stories...

2. Ignoring anything & everything you have to say


3. Because of course, what starts as a lecture turns into a history lesson

4. Using the word "ayb" a hundred times during the whole thing

5. Using some other child as an example of what a "good kid" is


6. Lecturing you for something your sibling has done

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7. Using the finger...


8. And after all the fuss and fighting, sending a "habibi" your way
