Last night's mezze lunch and burrito dinner are starting to show on your hips and that's it, you've had it. You are starting a new diet this week.

The day starts with a fresh bowl of oatmeal. Nothing can stop you.

sf diet breakfast

And then a jog that is actually more a snapchat story of your new sports outfit, taking shameless athletic-themed selfies by Zaitunay Bay. When that's over, you call that friend you hate to ask her about her Victoria's Secret model workout (you hate her because she eats so much and never gets fat).

sf diet friend hate

Since you're there, a coffee at Paul won't hurt. Snapping a croissant, and how you have the will to not consume it, is in order. You think you are ready to conquer the world (reality: not yet).

sf diet croissant

After showering, a nice green apple you made your mom buy comes at a perfect time. You also made her buy unnecessary diet food you will never have. You still feel like you haven't lost weight, though.

sf diet apple

Lunch is a rice biscuit. You convince yourself you're full.

sf diet lunch

You also convince yourself your progress is awesome (it's really not).

sf diet progress

You start asking stupid questions to feel like you're achieving a lot by not eating the world.

sf diet stupid questions

Even your friends are lying to you.

sf diet friends

At dinner, smelling cakes rather than having them becomes a habit.

sf diet dinner

The next morning, you pay for a juice detox diet. The juices will slowly become side snacks in addition to the three meals you're not supposed to have – but "I love my kale-coriander juice for lunch!"

sf diet juice

At dinner, your friend ordered a burger. You order one, too, and promise a stronger will next weekend. Of course, your social media friends are aware of this because you just #couldnotresist

sf diet burger fail

You know what, you don't even want to diet. You want to just admit to the world that you love food.

sf diet burger fail

Wait, no, you can't do that, because your mom just tagged you in Candice Swanepoel's new Instagram post, adding, "Good luck mama".

sf diet candice
