In a strange yet very comical incident that occurred in a small village in Mouneifya called Ashmoun, Haj Mohammed Abdel Hamid Shalaby was pronounced dead by doctors, according to Masrawy .
After obtaining the burial permit for the "deceased" and during the final washing of the "lifeless" body, family members discovered that Haj Mohammed had a weak pulse and shallow breathing. He was immediately rushed to another hospital.
Bilal Garn, one of the residents in the Ashmoun village, spoke to Masrawy and said that family members announced via loudspeakers the death of Haj Mohammed and "built a mourning tent for mourners to stay in while pay their respects to the "deceased" and his family."
He then added that Haj Mohammed had suffered tremendously for four days due to the medical staff's inability to diagnose him. A few days afterr Haj Mohammed was "raised" from the dead, another set of doctors was able to diagnose him properly with a bleeding in the brain.