Penguins of Madagascar is a spin-off of the famous Madagascar animated film series. Featuring some of the zany characters we’ve grown to love, the movie sees those pesky penguins out in full force.
So what’s the story about? Well, “Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private join forces with undercover organization The North Wind to stop the villainous Dr. Octavius Brine from destroying the world as we know it.” Very dramatic indeed. Cue drum roll.
In a nutshell, Penguins of Madagascar is a happy, feel good movie. It shows that you shouldn’t let being cute and cuddly define you. On the contrary, you can be a powerful agent behind change and can save the day. Which is not too shabby when you only have flippers.
With memorable voices such as John Malkovich (Dave, the villainous octopus bent on revenge) and Benedict Cumberbatch (agent Classified from the elite animal task force, The North Wind) plus a fair dose of tongue-in-cheek jokes about nature documentaries and the effective use of technology, Penguins of Madagascar will keep the entire family entertained.
While the movie will appeal to a wider audience, the overall vibe seems geared towards the younger crowd given the ample cuteness, even more cuteness and slapstick elements. The other animated gems in the Madagascar series sneak in more jokes and themes for adults. This being said, parents (and animation loving singles) will not get bored during the 92 minute movie and kids will be mesmerized by the vibrant colors, quirky characters and fun plot.
Our rating: 7 Steps out of 10.
Watch the first few minutes of the film:
And go behind the scenes with the cast: