On Facebook, the true personalities of your real life friends are revealed. You may think you know someone, but it isn't until you add them on Facebook that you get to see what they're really like. The types of people on your newsfeed are very diverse, but there are certain types of friends we all have.
1. The "look at all the places I've been"
This person can only post a photo with a background straight from a travel agency ad, and the only posts they have are either check-ins to airports or photos of all the places they've visited, and you're just sitting at home feeling wild for going out twice that week. The one time a year they're actually home, they post "take me back" posts.
2. The philosopher
These friends love to express their innermost feelings, and it doesn't seem to matter that no one cares. Their posts are usually at least 20 lines long, and often end with "what do you think?" Every time you see them pop up on your newsfeed, your eyes roll back so far you can almost not see what kind of irrelevant thoughts they're sharing, but it's hard to fight the urge to try and figure out what's going on in their heads - not that you ever understand what point they're trying to make.
3. The drunk
Even if you go back six years into their photos, you will not find a single photo of them without a drink in hand. They're the ones often posting "so drunk tonite xx" or "Alcohol is not the answer, alcohol is the question, YES is the answer". You just feel bad for their kids who'll have to live their lives seeing the mess that their parents used to be with photographic proof.
4. The video sharer
These are the friends that brought "The kiss" into your life, along with every single overrated viral video known to mankind. They've literally never shared anything that has to do with their lives or photos of themselves, they just share videos that you end up wasting your day watching.
5. The oversharer
These friends are the most entertaining part of your life. There is nothing funnier than seeing someone publicly embarrass themselves and everyone they know on Facebook. Whether it is a family fight happening under their profile picture or a break-up going on on their comments, these people never cease to amaze you with how casual they are with publicly humiliating themselves.
6. The profile picture obsessed
If a week goes by and this friend's profile photo doesn't change, know that they are dead. They cannot function if they post two things under the same profile picture, and they have plenty.
7. The political
These are the people sharing jokes, memes, and their unsolicited thoughts about everything that has to do with the government. They think they've got the whole 'political game" figured out, and really want to share their knowledge. Conspiracy theories are their favorites, and they always want to share with you how the government is fooling you, using you, or cheating you of your rights.
8. The "I swear I'm smart"
These friends are the source of "Did you know" posts that fill your newsfeed, and more often than not, you did know. They try so hard to seem knowledgeable and "scientific" that they just prove to everyone how stupid they really are with their scientific facts and articles that bore the hell out of you.
9. The funny-posts maniac
Vines and memes from 2009 are all these friends post, and they bore you every single time. "Try to get through this video without laughing" is their favorite caption, and never once have you watched one of their videos and even cracked a smile. Someone should break it to them that their posts aren't funny, they're quite sad.
10. The inappropriate
They can't share a single post that isn't either sexist, homophobic, or racist. They're always posting the most terrible things on your timeline, and you just cringe so hard every time they pop up on your newsfeed. If anyone points out how rude their posts are, they wage a war on them. These are the people you unfollow just to avoid having to justify what they're posting.
11. The ~artist
They are always inviting you to like their art page, their photography page, or to share their poetry. It doesn't matter if they're good or not, these people are always annoying. If I wanted to check out whatever it is you do, I would. You don't have to keep asking me time and time again to like your page.
12. The excited one
No post of theirs is complete without at least seven exclamation marks. Whether it's a new trailer, an upcoming event, or a puppy walking on its hind legs, these people will make every single thing they post seem like the biggest thing in the world. Just chill, please.
13. The gym fanatic
"Eat clean, train dirty" is written all over this friend's Facebook. Why can't they just be happy that they're taking care of themselves? Why do they feel the need to tell you what to do as well? You feel like slapping these friends every time they post another gym selfie. We get it. You work out. Great.
14. The "going"
You will never find a single event posted on Facebook that this friend isn't "going" to. Every single time you check out an event, there they are, these friends that seem to be able to attend 7 events a day in 3 different countries. The most annoying thing though is when Facebook sends you a notification that your friend is attending, because you know it's always this friend.
15. The inspirational
These are worse than the philosophers because they think they're actually helping you out with their "motivational" videos and inspirational posts telling you how to live your life. All they end up really doing is making you feel horrible about your life. The funny part is that they're usually the most messed up people, and they share these posts as if they actually have their lives together, when you know the truth.
16. The animal lover
They are the reason for cats running around all over your newsfeed, and you honestly really appreciate it. There is nothing cuter than the posts that they share, they're basically the only thing that can actually make you smile on Facebook. If you don't like animals though, I'm so sorry.
17. The "I hate my life"
These people only use Facebook for rants and letting out the nger they have with the universe. Their posts almost always start with "Today was the worst day of my life," and then they go on and on telling you why that is, not that you ever asked. If you're having too good a day and want a reason to feel down, look no further! Nothing can make you feel worse than one of their posts.
18. The musician
If you like this friend in real life, do not accept their friend request. Just don't do it. You will end up getting 30 invites a week to their jams and their performances, and you'll just end up hating everything that has to do with this person.
19. The pothead
Every single post they share is trying to convince you that weed really is good for you, for your family and for your dog. You really don't know when their crusade against society will end, but you are so done with them. You almost want to comment "We get it. You smoke up. Okay."
20. The #Familyfirst
This person is trying to prove to the world, and mainly to themselves that they're really family-oriented. They have their priorities in order, and only tag their mom in their posts, praising her, waiting for aunts and uncles to pour through thier comments and tell them what a good kid they are. It's a little bit sad.
21. The atheist
Not a single post isn't about them not believing in God, or about how they are better for it. You really feel like commenting "please stop" on every post, but you just let it go, or they'll start a fight with you, assuming your religion and attacking you for it. Everyone's free to believe in what they want, or not to believe, but please trying to convince everyone that you're better than them just because of what you believe.
22. The religious
These are just as bad as the atheists, if not worse. Every post is about God, how their faith can change your life and make you a better person. You also want to comment on every single post "please stop," but you don't because they'll also start a fight with you. There's just no point.
23. The one you don't even know
You have no clue who these people are, or how you ended up being friends. You just know where they vacationed for the last three years and when they go engaged, married, and had their first child. After a while of being friends on Facebook, you kind of feel like you know them. But you really have no clue who the hell they are.