The 500th and final episode of the Japanese anime Naruto aired on Thursday, sending fans in Saudi Arabia into a Twitter meltdown. 

Loyal fans have been watching the series for 15 years and used the Twitter hashtag #وداعا_ناروتو or "farewell naruto" to bid the show a somber goodbye.

The series tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja whose dream is to become the Hokage of his village. A Hokage is considered the strongest person in the community and is seen as a leader .

The series first aired in 2002, and ran until 2007.

Naruto Shippuden, a different version of the original show began airing in 2007 and ran until its last episode aired on Thursday.

Some fans are incredibly upset

"The worst ending is when your favorite anime series ends."

Others are still in denial


A few are grateful for fifteen years of Naruto

Many are uniting in grief

And some are trying to cope ...

Others just can't even deal

Farewell Naruto!