Saudi Arabia's deputy crown prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz was just named crown prince of the kingdom, replacing his cousin Muhammad bin Nayef.
King Salman - the father of the newly appointed crown prince - concluded the decision after 31 out of 34 members of the Allegiance Council reached an agreement.
"Prince Mohammed bin Salman has really been the powerful man in Saudi Arabia ever since his appointment as deputy crown prince," said Ghanem Nuseibeh, founder of Cornerstone Global Associates, according to Bloomberg.
The decision "removes impediments that he had, in that he had someone more senior to him who was perhaps a bit more conservative. Now he’ll have a freer hand," Nuseibeh added.
MBS first rose to prominence in 2015 and has since gained power with his position as defense minister. He has also played a key role in overseeing the state oil company and reshuffling the kingdom's economy.
According to the official Saudi Press Agency, the newly-appointed crown prince was also named deputy prime minister and maintains his post as defense minister.
In a royal decree, King Salman also relieved the former crown prince of his post as interior minister.
The 31-year-old has been championing the kingdom's defense, oil and economy portfolios
Enhancing cultural and entertainment opportunities throughout Saudi Arabia is an integral part of the Riyadh's Vision 2030, an initiative that has been championed by now Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as the country seeks to diversify its economy.
MBS has already launched several projects with an aim to help the kingdom strengthen its economic, social and political position worldwide.
"MBS’s youth means that there will be no interim succession - he will be in power for a long time and has been a very public proponent of a robust Saudi presence in the region," said Rodger Shanahan, a research fellow at the Lowy Institute for International Policy in Sydney.
The leader has successfully gained popularity among Saudi nationals over the years and people couldn't help but welcome his new position with open arms.