A recent survey in the Middle East showed that opportunities for learning and personal growth were important to more respondents than pay in determining satisfaction with their job - but just barely.

Growth came in as the top-ranked factor at 85 percent, with having a sense of achievement just 1 percentage point behind. Pay was ranked as important by 83 percent of respondents. The survey, by Yougov.com  and Bayt.com, was carried out in March and surveyed more than 5,000 people across the Middle East and North Africa.

The resulted also showed relatively low job satisfaction across the region:

Overall, 44% of respondents enjoy coming to work every day, and 40% are satisfied with their present job, with 18% of them being “very satisfied”. Respondents in Egypt seem more satisfied with their current job than their counterparts elsewhere in the MENA; close to one fourth (24%) claim that they are “very satisfied”.

Check out the top five factors in job satisfaction in our infographic. And be ready for your boss to suggest you learn a new skill instead of getting a raise next year.
