With age, the skin – the largest organ in the body – changes, just like many other things. With time, your skin gets thiner and wrinkly due to excessive sun exposure, it loses fat and eventually the veins and bones covered by skin become more visible to the naked eye. In addition to that, cuts and bumps take longer time to heal, and this leaves you with no other choice but to take good care of your skin, even when you are too tired or have “no time” for it.
Here’s a list of some easy yet very effective tips to maintain young and healthy skin:
1. Protect yourself from sun radiation
Use sunscreen every 2 to 3 hours, or more often if you are directly exposed to the sun. Seek shade from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; that’s the time where the sun’s radiations are the most harmful.
2. QUIT smoking or better yet don’t START smoking
Smoking narrows the blood vessels in your face making you look older and unhealthy. In addition, it affects the collagen and elastin of the skin that are essential for elasticity and strength.
3. Drink lots of water throughout the year
The cold weather makes you feel less thirsty therefore your skin requires to be constantly hydrated in winter as much as summer.
4. Shower quickly and at ambient temperature
Long hot shower/baths and strong synthetic soaps eliminate essential oils from your skin.
5. Pat dry your skin
When you dry your skin gently after a swim or even a shower, you are keeping your skin moisturized.
6. Moisturize your skin with special creams
If you have dry skin use moisturisers rich in SPF (Sun Protection Factor).
7. Eat a vegetable/fruit-rich diet
Including foods like Banana, Papaya, Strawberry, Tomatoes, Dark chocolate, Green tea, Potatoes, Kale, Spinach, Broccoli, fish oil (omega-3), Salmon, Beans, etc. They keep your skin healthy and vibrant.
8. Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Uncontrolled stress can give rise to acne and many other skin problems. Throughout the day, when you feel stressed: Stop for a couple of minutes, Take a deep breath and then continue the task at hand.
Always remember that “Your skin has to last you a lifetime!”
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