Qatar Airways was named one of the top 10 best airlines in the world, while El Al - the Israeli flagship airlines - was ranked the worst, according to Bloomberg Pursuits.  

The list of world's worst and best performing airlines is in large part based on flight delays, the percentage in the images above represent probability of delay. 

Based on the information, El Al is most likely to delay your flight by a whopping 56 percent. Could this have anything to do with the interrogation process they put passengers through? 

El Al is famous for its tight security: at least one undercover, plainclothes agent is placed on every flight, as is a guard at every ticket counter. 

Every passenger is personally questioned when departing from Israel. Also, El Al unapologetically uses ‘profiling’ to decide on the length and depth of the ‘interrogation,' with some passengers spending long hours being cross-questioned, according to this passenger's experience

In contrast, Qatar Airways' rate to delay is only at the 13th percentile, making it the 4th overall. 

The status report comes from the aviation insights company FlightStats, which compiles an annual list of the best international airlines based on on-time performance records. 

Jim Hetzel, vice president of aviation and distribution at FlightStats, says that putting the list together is incredibly difficult, and requires data from 500 sources for accurate results. 

Hetzel likened the process to creating a giant quilt.