Iranian husbands have taken to Facebook, posting photos holding signs sharing messages that state their commitment to supporting their wives' equality in the relationship.

Following the viral story of the Iranian futsaller whose husband refused to let her travel to attend an international tournament, an Iranian journalist began collecting and sharing the photographs. She shared them on " My Stealthy Freedom," a Facebook page she had previously set up to promote women's rights in Iran.

Typical marriage contracts in Iran grant husbands significantly more rights. This allows them to dictate whether their wives can travel internationally, whether she can work, and whether she can request a divorce. However, women can ask for the marriage contract to be revised, granting her equal rights to her husband.

Even after signing the initial marriage contract, wives can request changes. However, many women are not aware of this fact.

The men sharing photos via Facebook have taken a stand to support these equal freedoms and are encouraging other men to do the same.

Here are some of their posts:

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English Translation belowخطاب به تمام اقايون كه سنك مهريه را به سينه مي زنند ، بله مهريه بسيار زشت و غلط هست ولي با نا...

I, an iranian man, am ashamed of the article 18 of the passport law, my wife! you are free.#ItsMensTurn#حالا_نوبت_مرداست

رابطه من با همسرم نکاح یعنی مالکیت بدن او در برابر مهریه نیست بلکه ازدواج است یعنی همزیستی دو انسان آزاد و برابر که دوشا...

از خودمان شروع کنیم، همه مردان اینگونه نیستند که از یک قانون تبیعیض آمیز استفاده کنند برای فشار به زنانhuman rights...

من تمام حقوق شریک(همراه) زندگی ام مثل سفر و طلاق و غیره را به او برمیگردانم. i return all her rights like traveling,...