The battle for Syria's East Aleppo over the last few weeks has escalated to become what one UN diplomat called "one giant graveyard". With that came a major social media war. 

There's little doubt that an intensified Russian and Syrian government offensive on the besieged neighborhoods has wreaked wide-scale destruction and death. Still, both sides of the conflict have embellished the facts on the ground. Fake news stories have cropped up  on the interwebs, adding fuel to an already very heated debate. 

Social media users--and even some diplomats--have presented old images from Iraq, Palestine, Egypt, Pakistan and even a music video to bolster their agendas.

Assad's ambassador to the UN used an image from Iraq to defend the Syrian military

Many on social media shared a staged image from Lebanese singer Hiba Tawaji's music video, and said it was from Aleppo

This fire was in Egypt, not Aleppo

Even well-known regional journalists have come under fire for "fake news"

One side fabricates information to galvanize support for its mission. Another side does the same. 

So, what are the facts?

It appears Aleppo has mostly fallen to Syrian government forces with the help of Russia. Many have died and have been wounded. Many are upset that the battle has ended this way. Many are also happy. Many others are confused and unsure what to think.

Russia and Iran have thrown their support behind the Syrian government since the outset of the conflict. The United States, the United Kingdom, France and the GCC countries have backed Syrian opposition forces. .

During the Syrian conflict, which began in 2011, the UN estimates that at least 250,000 people have been killed. More than half of the country's population has been displaced. Millions have become refugees in neighboring countries while many more have taken dangerous voyages to find safety in Europe.

Hundreds of thousands of people have died. The war continues. More will die.

Who wins?

Perhaps this Facebook rant summarizes the debate well

Can we imagine a world in which "no exploded bodies are acceptable" and "no child's death can be justified"?